The second ‘Topical seminar’ meeting to be held on April 6


afish-Denis-Nico-mak-1.jpgMSU Faculty of Journalism proceeds with ‘Topical seminar’ meetings, a series of online-seminars featuring prominent speakers, both Russian and international. World-class scholars in the sphere of media studies will be invited every month to share relevant theoretical and practical insights in their area of research. International speakers will share the podium with their Russian colleagues to discuss fundamental differences in scientific approaches as well as draw parallels between different schools of research.

The second seminar is scheduled for April 6, 5 pm MSK. The participants will listen to ‘Arts-based research in communication and media studies’ presentation delivered by Professor Nico Carpentier, President of the International Association for Media and Communication Research, Professor at Charles University of Prague and Free University of Brussels in Belgium. Russia will be represented by Denis Dunas, PhD in Philology, Leading Researcher at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, who will present a report titled ‘Russian journalism and media studies: Where art and creativity begin and end’.

The seminar will be held online via Zoom. Language – English (without interpretation services).

Participation requires pre-registration, the deadline is April 5. Registered listeners will receive a Zoom link in advance.

The event is of utmost importance both for the integration of national scientific school into international academic environment and for the conceptualization of distinctive features of Russian media studies. The Faculty of Journalism invites everyone to sign up for the seminar and hopes that the issues, touched upon in the course of the event, will trigger productive scientific discussion.