Vice – Deans

Макеенко М.Dr. Mikhail Makeenko, Vice-Dean for Research 
Dr. Mikhail Makeenko is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University and Vice-Dean for Research. He graduated from MSU, Faculty of Journalism and defended his PhD thesis in 2002. Dr. Makeenko has published over 20 academic articles and 3 monographs on media business trends in Russia and the USA, on media management and economics issues. 
Tel. +7 (495) 629 39 08 
Room 120 

Сурнина И. А. 02.jpgDr. Irina Melikova, Vice-Dean for Teaching
Dr. Irina Melikova is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University and Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs. She teaches Russian Literature and History of Russian Journalism. Dr. Surnina is an expert in the history of Russian journalism and literature, she also specializes in the history of business journalism.
Tel. +7 (495) 629-43-89
Room 334

FullSizeRender.jpgDr. Olga Smirnova, Vice-Dean for Graduate Studies and Mid-Career Programs 
Dr. Olga Smirnova is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Vice-Dean for Graduate Studies and Mid-Career Programs, Director of Centre for Gender and Media Studies. Her academic interests include Internet and new media, digital divide and mass media, gender studies in mass media. Dr. Smirnova also holds the position of the Head of the Department of Digital Journalism at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University. In 2023, Dr. Smirnova was awarded the title of Honorary Education Worker.
Tel. +7 (495) 629 44 01 
Room 216 

Смирнов С.С.-2.jpgDr. Sergey Smirnov, Vice-Dean for Educational and Methodological Association  
Dr. Sergey Smirnov is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Deputy Head of the Department of Media Theory and Economics and  Vice-Dean for Educational and Methodological Association. He teaches courses on media economics, modern media industries, Russian media holdings, and others. Dr. Smirnov’s research interests lay in the fields of media markets in Russia and the CIS countries, media concentration, economics of television and cinematography. 
Tel. + 7 (495) 629 44 40 
Room 203

ТкачеваНВ.jpgDr. Natalia Tkacheva, Vice-Dean for Faculty Development 
Dr. Natalia Tkacheva is Senior Researcher at the Department of Media Theory and Economics at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University and Vice-Dean for Faculty Development. She has authored numerous academic articles on media systems of Asian countries in different Russian journals. She is on the editorial board of the yearbook “Media Economics and Media Management” published by the Department of Media Theory and Economics. 
Tel. +7 (495) 629 37 48 
Room 105 

IMG_9359-02-11-18-09-39.JPGDr. Anna Gladkova, Director of the Office of International Affairs 
Dr. Anna Gladkova is Leading Researcher and Director of International Affairs Office at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University. She is vice-chair of IAMCR's Digital Divide Working Group, IAMCR Ambassador in Russia and member of the IAMCR International Council. Anna Gladkova has published and edited collections on ethnic media, multicultural affairs, digital inequalities and digital divides. Her most recent co-edited books include 'Digital Inequalities in the Global South' (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020) and 'Ethnic Journalism in the Global South' (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021).
Tel. +7 (495) 629 52 76 
Room 107 

Толоконникова АВDr. Anna Tolokonnikova, Creative Supervisor 
Dr. Anna Tolokonnikova is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Journalism and Creative Supervisor. She is also Head of the program for professional retraining “Modern Journalism and Blogging”, as well as supervisor of school cooperation. She teaches Fundamentals of Journalism, Modern Television Industry in Russia, Business Modelling of Mass Media, and Modern Television Market. Her academic interests lie in the television industry and video content, cybersecurity and media consumption.  
Tel: +7 495 629-51-75
Room 219

IMG_3042.JPGDr. Diana Platonova, Extracurricular Activities Coordinator 
Dr. Diana Platonova is Associate Professor at the Department of Media Sociology and Extracurricular Activities Coordinator at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University. Dr. Platonova teaches a list of disciplines including Sociology of Mass Media, Sociology of Internet Media, Sociological Studies and others. She is also on editorial board of the 'Media Theory and Sociology' yearbook since 2013. Her articles have been published in Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta and Medi@lmanah academic journals. 
Tel. + 7 (495) 629 41 74 
Room 108   

IMG_0688_3.jpgDr. Anna Gureeva, Advisor to the Dean
Dr. Anna Gureeva is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Journalism and Advisor to the Dean. She teaches Business Communications in Media Business, Theory and Practice of Media Communications. Her academic interests include theory and practice of mediatization, media communications in science and education, science popularization.
Room 219
Tel.: +7 495 629-51-75