Russian Language Stylistics

The Department of Russian Language Stylistics was established in 1952. 

Throughout the years, the department was headed by K.I. Bylinsky (from 1952 to 1960), D.E. Rosenthal (from 1962 to 1985), I.V. Tolstoy (from 1986 to 1997.), G.Ya. Solganik (1998-2016). Its current head is Dr. Vladimir Slavkin.

Among the well-known scientists, who have worked in the sub-department and have become its history, there are an author of works on stylistics and rhetoric I.K. Kokhtev, specialists in spelling D.E. Rosenthal, A.I. Kaydalova and I.K. Kalinina, researchers of lexicology – A.V. Kalinin, orthoepy – M.V. Zarva, history of Russian literary language and rhetoric – V.P. Vomperskiy, phraseology – V.N. Vakurov, business communication stylistics – L.V. Rachmanin, features of television speech – S.V. Svetana-Tolstaya, syntax – M.S. Panyusheva, stylistics – T.F. Delskaya, T.S. Dronyaeva and others.

Research interests of the department lie in the fields of lexicology history and literature of the 18th century, rhetoric, structural and semantic analysis of a literary text, syntax and punctuation, orthoepy, linguistic expertise, linguistic ethics, media stylistics and others.

The department publishes an academic journal Journalism and Culture of Russian Speech. In 2012, the department published a few collective monographs: Language of Mass Media and Politics. Ed. by Prof. G.Ya Solganik and Linguistics of Speech. Media Stylistics. Journalistic and the scientific community is well aware of the dictionaries authored by the department’s members: G.Ya. Solganik Dictionary. Language of Newspapers, Radio and Television. Moscow, 2008; M.A. Shtudiner Dictionary of Pattern Russian Accent. Moscow, 2009 and others.

In 2013, the Stylistic Commission at the International Committee of Slavists included Prof. G.Ya. Solganik, Assoc. Prof. S.F. Barysheva, Assoc. Prof. L.T. Kasperova, Assoc. Prof. N.V. Smirnova, T.V. Surikova, at the suggestion of Professor Stanislaw Gajda (Poland) it was headed by Prof. N.I. Klushina. 

Contact person: Natalia Primachenko
Room 204