WIP Meeting on Digital Divide among Elderly Women Held on February 22nd


WIP 22 Feb.png February 22 saw the start of the second season of Work-in-Progress meetings launched by IAMCR Digital Divide Working Group. Dr. Soledad Caballero from the University of the Republic (Uruguay) presented her inspiring research into the digital divide among elderly women.

The scholar brought up a range of crucial topics tackled in her ambitious project. Among other things, she talked about gender home digital divide and grey digital divide among elderly women who live in technocomplete homes.

Dr. Caballero explored other gender life course experiences as well, focusing on the formal education rates among this social group, and sought to analyse the impact of mobile phone usage on the gender-based digital divide. The researcher introduced a notion of technoarrabal that describes social space shared mostly by women who either are technologically excluded or intentionally ignore the opportunity to be digitally connected. Dr. Caballero provided invaluable insights drawn from the interviews with elderly women from Montevideo, to shed light onto their most diverse attitudes towards technology.

Dr. Anna Gladkova, Dr. Glenn Muschert and Dr. Massimo Ragnedda noted the impressive scale of the study and commented on the ways to systematize the rich empirical data. Big thanks to Dr. Caballero and to the reviewers for advancing this important area of research!

A series of online meetings launched by IAMCR Digital Divide Working Group gives an opportunity to scholars to present their Work-in-Progress in all areas of digital inequalities, digital inclusion/exclusion, and digital capital. Regular virtual sessions will both allow to share the research insights, receive constructive feedback from peer reviewers and discuss collaboration options with colleagues.

If you would like to present your ongoing digital divide research, you are welcome to get it touch with us. Young scholars and students are particularly encouraged to participate!