Video Session on Digital Inequalities by IAMCR Digital Divide Working Group


Gladkova.pngRagnedda.pngThe first to take the floor was Madhumita Das (Indira Gandhi National Open University), who studied digital capital in the context of Indian media system. Using the scale that combines indicators of access and competence, the scholar identified the following determinants of digital capital in India: age, gender, religion, education, occupation, income, residential area, language. The researcher concluded that digital divide hampers individual and national development in India, though there is a chance for improvement, since a large number of next generation parents can be characterized as having an advanced level of digital capital.

Dr. Anna Gladkova (Lomonosov Moscow State University) presented her joint work with Professor Elena Vartanova, focusing on digital inclusion of mainstream and ethnic journalists in Russia. Aiming to approach ethnic journalism from liquid modernity context, the researcher outlined new influence factors arising in the times of liquidity: increased user participation, digital convergence, the rise of platforms, emergence of new formats, shift in journalism cultures, and transformation of social identity of journalists. Dr. Gladkova went on to present the preliminary results of her comparative study into ethnic and mainstream journalists’ digital inclusion, and finished her talk with recommendations for overcoming digital divide.

Dr. Panayiota Tsatsou (University of Leicester) shared research insights into vulnerable people’s digital inclusion, focusing on three vulnerable populations: ethnic minorities, older people, and people with disabilities. The scholar underlined the notion of intersectionality, which enables an intracategorical approach that reveals the complexity of identity and relationships among multiple social groups within and across categories. Dr. Tsatsou concluded that individuality, life circumstances and stigma are the key parameters that determine the positioning of the three population categories in the digital domain.