Media Consumption by The ‘Digital Youth’ in Russia


media hardcover 03.pngWho are digital youth? What are the motives behind their media consumption? How do media contribute to their self-fulfillment and meet their psychological needs? The collective monograph “Media Consumption by the ‘Digital Youth’ in Russia” edited by Dr. Denis Dunas explores these issues in the Russian context. The book incorporates conceptual advances made in the course of the research, and outlines the results of the empirical studies.

The book analyses youth media consumption from the perspective of uses and gratifications theory (UGT) and adopts an inter-disciplinary approach to analyzing the audience. Authors conclude that the digital environment facilitates the formation of personality of youngsters throughout all stages: from primary socialization up to self-fulfillment. The research group revealed that it is not satisfaction of basic information and communication needs that is the driver of their media use,
but the wish for self-actualization.

A crucially important need that was identified is belongingness – the need to belong, which is closely tied to the need to self-identify. Formation of digital reputation and digital capital through communication satisfied the needs of the studied audience for the acceptance in the community and social reward.

An interesting social media trend that was revealed is pro-social behavior, altruism, concern for the human rights, and efforts to eradicate injustice in the society. Thus, it is consistent to talk about the full-fledged mediatization of the personality.

The monograph was developed by the scholars of MSU Faculty of Journalism: Sergey Vartanov, Darya Viyugina, Anna Gureeva, Denis Dunas, Diana Kulchitskaya, Elena Salikhova, Anna Tolokonnikova, and Geliya Filatkina. The introduction was written by the Dean of MSU Faculty of Journalism, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor Elena Vartanova.

The full book in Russian is available here